Does your dog pull?

Do you have a dog that pulls? Jealous of those people you see out and about with perfectly behaved dogs trotting nicely along by their side? Maybe you have tried various pieces of equipment to entice your furry friend to walk nicely by your side without much success? There are a number of reasons why equipment designed to ‘stop pulling’ won’t work with your dog.

Here at Snuggle Pets we use only the best materials and components in all our products to ensure the comfort and safety of your dog.  We have also consulted with leading experts from various disciplines in the dog word to design and produce durable, reliable products that really do work and are easy to use.  Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are on hand to help with any product queries you may have and can advise the most suitable product for your needs.  All of our dog coats are designed to work with and complement our harnesses so you can have the perfectly dressed dog for all occasions walking nicely by your side….be the envy of those you see being dragged along like you once were! Visit our online shop, call us on 0121 679 8339,  email , fill in the form on the ‘Contact Us’ page or give us a call to make an appointment to pop in and see us in person at Snuggle Pets & Co.  Unit 1a Eagle Trading Estate, Stourbridge Road, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3UA.

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